Putting Servant Leadership to Work
Building a high-performance team in today’s complex environment requires the leader to serve – to build hope, confidence, courage and commitment. In this new edition of the international bestseller, The Serving Leader, Third River founder Ken Jennings shows the power of leading by serving, first.
What Participants are saying about the Serving Leader Experience
“It works — it’s real and it’s worthwhile.”
”Third River really ‘walks the walk.’”
”Great, very useful for personal growth, useful at work, and at home.” “The Third River team showed up for every session as positive role models. Engaging and involved at every level in the process.” “Great team approach - it was nice to see how your team members interact and how they were eager to hear each other’s comments and input.”
“The knowledge we learned in this course changed the way we do things, makes me understand and empower my colleagues. Practicing Serving Leader works.”
”It was apparent how many of the principles were in fact practiced during the presentation.” “The Serving Leader Experience provided a formal structure to think about situations that did not work and permitted me to see why this was the case.” “The Third River team embodies all the practices they teach. Through the coaching process and delivery, they model servant leader principles.” “The combination of both didactic and experimental/role play/team/ real time interactions and implementations.” ”
“Well worth making the journey.”
”The program provided a structured approach to becoming a good leader with tools to improve communication and work relationships while optimizing productivity and participation. Many things I learned have also helped in my family life and teaching.” “A life and career altering process and journey. Invaluable to my professional development going forward.” “The Serving Leader Experience supplies leaders with amazing tools and frameworks that are effective and most helpful. It is a fun journey as you learn strategies and techniques to help lead your organization.” “It is clear the entire Third River Team lives the Serving Leader principles on a daily basis.”
“A necessary journey to help be the best leader one can be.” “The Third River Team is outstanding. Each member really contributes and has their own special talents and experience that they bring.” “The relationships that were formed and strengthened through the program were amazing.” “This course not only gives you the insight and tools to be a more effective leader, but it also helps to make one a better human being. It made us better listeners and speakers.”
“The Teaming Advantage materials introduced our IU Health Plans Leadership team to fundamental concepts like “Servant Leadership” and “Asset Based Thinking”. We truly embraced the idea that Servant Leadership; where there was a focus on mutual learning, interdependent relationships and building a common vision would be the cornerstone of advancing the integration our IU Health Plans with our peers throughout IU Health. We determined that we had to understand more about our internal partners, their goals and to care about their success as much as our own. Asset Based Thinking challenged us to consider Strengths, Possibilities and Connections – ultimately “What Matters Most Here”. By considering these concepts we are able to more creatively problem solve, brainstorm options and advance our goals for how we serve our patients. ”