Change Leadership
The Situation
Large scale, continuous change in the workplace has become the norm. Managing one significant change at a time is a memory of the past. Personal and organizational overwhelm is continually on the rise. As a result, many organizations are experiencing challenged work cultures of lower engagement, and higher degrees of burn-out and stress.
Our Solution
As a leader, navigating the waters of large-scale organizational change can be daunting. Managing a change “event” is no longer enough. Building personal and team readiness to engage in ongoing change as a part of daily life is the need of the hour.
Our Change Leadership thinking, practices, and tools equip leaders with step-by-step solutions to lead their teams to Focus on what matters most, Engage and Empower self and others, Execute with excellence, Multiply success and Lead the way to accelerate results and create sustainable, transformed cultures and lasting impact.
Our experience tells us that large-scale organizational and culture change success is a shared responsibility. It cannot stop at the C-suite or manager’s door. It is essential for individuals from every department, background and team to become part of the solution. Our Change Leadership approach is designed to effectively cascade throughout the multiple levels of your organization and help you grow more change-ready leaders who will seek to serve the others around them and work toward greater goals together.
“Our organization’s mission centers on serving our patients, partners and employees. Third River Partner’s Change Leadership development experience helped us to accelerate our most important business strategies by transforming how we work together as leaders and individuals. It has made us more nimble, engaged and successful in our business, and has made us better people.”